I wanted to include information that would print at the bottom of each Email
and rather than create a signature to do this, I created a footer. I've
changed my mind about using the footer, but cannot permanently delete it.
The only way to delete it is to do so each time I start a new email. Is
there a global template for Outlook that I can edit to delete the footer? I
have gone through every tab, every option, trying to find a way to delete the
footer, without success. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
and rather than create a signature to do this, I created a footer. I've
changed my mind about using the footer, but cannot permanently delete it.
The only way to delete it is to do so each time I start a new email. Is
there a global template for Outlook that I can edit to delete the footer? I
have gone through every tab, every option, trying to find a way to delete the
footer, without success. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.