How do I place column headings in an existing worksheet in Excel?


Donna Dionne

Accidently my column headings got moved to line 245 within my excel
worksheet. How can I either re-enter them or retype them where they belong
(at the top)?

I cannot do a datasort without column headings!(am using Excel 2003)

Thank you.

Dave Peterson

Select row 245 (click on 245 in the row header to the left of the data).
select row 1
Insert|Cut cells

Earl Kiosterud


The most likely thing that moved your headings row was a sort. Do be careful with Excel
sorts -- it's the only application I've seen that will shamelessly ruin a table beyond
repair if you accidentally sort improperly. For more, read "Sorting in Excel" at

Earl Kiosterud

Note: Some folks prefer bottom-posting. But if you bottom-post to a reply that's already
top-posted, the thread gets messy. When in Rome.

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