How do I plot several sets with different x values in the same plo



I need to know how can I plot in the same graph several sets (x,y) with
different (and independent) values of the x for each. The scale is the same,
but the values are different for each group. For example, in one of the sets,
I have the y values for x=314,416.5,1290... and in other, I have the y values
for x= 50,147,670... And I want to have the two different lines in the same
graph, but one sparated from the other.

David Biddulph

Select the first series of XY values, Insert Chart XY, & select options to
Go back to your data sheet, select your second series of XY values, copy, go
back to the chart, Edit/ Paste Special/ new series/ X values in first

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