Monique --
I think the following is how Microsoft envisions that we use the Status
Manager field in a project:
1. Three project managers (PM1, PM2, and PM3) are the co-managers of a
project and each manager will manage a section of the project.
2. PM1 creates the project, saves it and publishes it (the system makes PM1
the Status Manager for every task in the project because he/she published it
3. PM1 closes the project.
4. PM2 opens the project and sets him/herself as the Status Manager of only
the tasks he/she will manage (he/she can see his/her name on the Status
Manager list because he/she has the project open, and he/she can also see
PM1 on the list as well).
5. PM2 saves and publishes the project and closes it.
6. PM3 opens the project and sets him/herself as the Status Manager of the
tasks he/she will manage (he/she can see his/her name on the Status Manager
list because he/she has the project open, and he/she can also see PM1 and
PM2 on the list as well).
7. PM3 saves and publishes the project and closes it.
8. When a team member submits task progress for the project in PWA, the
system routes the task update to the correct Status Manager for the task.
Based on my experimentation, this seems to be the way the system works.
Does this square with your experience so far? If I am mistaken, I gladly
invite someone else to correct me.
Also, there is a bug in Project Professional 2007 that will not allow PM2 or
PM3 to use the "fill handle" (or Edit - Fill - Down) in the Status Manager
field to rapidly copy his/her name down a list of tasks. Because of this,
PM2 or PM3 will need to copy and paste the Status Manager information ONE
TASK AT A TIME. I have reported this bug to Microsoft, who has confirmed it
and logged it into their bug fix system. Hope this helps.