Word 2007 table page breaks
In Word 2007, how do I prevent relatively small tables (nowhere near page
length) from breaking between pages?
In the same vein, how do I keep a table with a paragraph, even if there are
other tables in the paragraph, WITHOUT the other tables moving, disappearing,
jumping to another page, etc?
I don't use this discussion group very much. If these simple questions have
already been asked and answered a number of times, please point me in the
right direction.
Thank you.
length) from breaking between pages?
In the same vein, how do I keep a table with a paragraph, even if there are
other tables in the paragraph, WITHOUT the other tables moving, disappearing,
jumping to another page, etc?
I don't use this discussion group very much. If these simple questions have
already been asked and answered a number of times, please point me in the
right direction.
Thank you.