Thanks for your reply.
I am not using a Template, nor a shortcut. Instead, I double-click in
Explorer on the file I want. In previous versions, the file is opened, and
the shapes file I used to create it appears on the left side. Recently I
upgraded to a later version of Visio (2003). Now I get a shapes search
window, which is twice as wide as the window I want. So every time I open a
file, I have to first close the shapes window, which I never want, and then
resize the shapes window I do want to its correct size again.
I searched for an option to say, "Don't give me the Search for Shapes"
window by default on startup, but found nothing.
I am not familiar with Templates, but if there is a way to accomplish this
by specifying some default Template (since there is no shortcut involved),
that would be great.