How do I print a reverse image on a transparency?



When using a transparency, that I've created in word, on the overhead
projector, the ink smudges when I erase what I've written. If I could print
a reverse image I could write and erase on the transparency without the
smudging. Thanks for the HELP!!

Tony Jollans

I think you are not printing it correctly if the ink smudges. Does your
printer have a special setting for transparencies? Or, even, are you using
the right sort of transparencies for your printer (ones designed for lasers
are no good on inkjets for example).

Other than that, write on a blank transparency placed on top of the smudgy

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I would seriously consider what Tony has said, but if you *are* printing on
the correct side of the right kind of transparency, then look to see if your
printer has a "Mirror image," "Flip horizontal," or "T-shirt transfer"
setting. This will flip the entire printed page image.

Jay Freedman

When using a transparency, that I've created in word, on the overhead
projector, the ink smudges when I erase what I've written. If I could print
a reverse image I could write and erase on the transparency without the
smudging. Thanks for the HELP!!

One more suggestion to add to Tony's and Suzanne's: Print your pages
on regular paper, and then use a photocopier to make transparencies
from them. The heat of the copier's drum fuses the toner to the
transparency plastic, so it's unlike to smudge. Some copiers even have
a "flip horizontal" option so you can print on the back of the sheet.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is an especially good suggestion if the transparency is printed in
black only. For color transparencies, copying will be pricier, but the cost
of color copying has dropped significantly in the past few years.

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