How do I print all the adresses in bcc?



If I am e-mailing about 100 people and I want to print that email with all of
the addresses visible, how do I do that? I've tried printing the email before
and after I send it, but all of the addresses do not show up.

David Webb

The copy that's in your Sent Items folder will display the recipients in the Bcc
field, but by design these will not show up when you print the message.

As a workaround you can edit the message and then copy & paste the addresses in
the body of the message. This message can then be printed.

Keep in mind that the addresses pasted in the body will be in the exact format
as copied, e.g., some may be nicknames only, others may a combination of
nicknames + e-mail address and still others could be simply e-mail addresses. I
mention this in case you want to forward this info to someone else and they will
find that nickname only entries will be invalid to use as-is.

| If I am e-mailing about 100 people and I want to print that email with all of
| the addresses visible, how do I do that? I've tried printing the email before
| and after I send it, but all of the addresses do not show up.

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