Word 2003 had an option when creating an envelope, to add a postal barcode so
that the address of a letter could be read electonically. How do you do this
in Word 2007?
You don't want to add a barcode unless you are doing bulk mail,
automated address correction, or one of the other enhanced USPS
features that makes use of the barcode. Unless you are submitting your
mail via one of those methods so that USPS knows that you are
submitting barcoded mail, you don't even really save the step of it
going through the barcoding equipment at USPS because they don't know
to bypass that step.
If you are bulk mailing or doing business reply, etc, where USPS
requires or offers a discount for bulk mailing, you have to first get
USPS-certified nine-digit zips. For details on how to do that and how
to use them to create the barcode, see
Hope that helps.