How do I protect a document against changes in the author field?



When you set in the properties menu the name of the author (the person that
created the document) how can I prevent other people from changing this field
and setting themselves as authors of my document.
I'm using Microsoft Word 2003

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?R2Fibw==?=,
When you set in the properties menu the name of the author (the person that
created the document) how can I prevent other people from changing this field
and setting themselves as authors of my document.
I'm using Microsoft Word 2003
there's little you can do in this respect unless you activate some kind of
document protection. And doing that can limit what people working with the
document can do. If you have access to IRM that will be your best bet.

Beyond that, you'd have to have a macro (or more than one) that takes care of
setting that property.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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