how do I publish PowerPoint Files to my website



I have tried two ways. 1) Trying to publish a ppt file
2) Having the PowerPoint presentation convert it to a .mht file.
In both cases the same thing happens. It is a big file so it takes 20
minutes to transfer to my site. After completion however it immediately tries
to do it again, this time times at 4 hours. Then at the end an error message
comes up saying it cannot find the 80 port and see administrator. ALL other
files can be transfered to my site via Powerpoint quite easily. What am I
doing wrong???

Michael Koerner

Don't publish as an mht file. this is kind of an archive file which puts
everything into one basket. publish as an html file, then upload the file
and the folder of files created in the process.


Thank you so much. However I am a novice at this and don't know how to
convert the .ppt file into an html file. Can you please guide me?


Kathy Jacobs

Do just what you did to create the MHT, but use the drop down list for File
Type to change it to HTM instead of MHT.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


I did just that and everything seemed to have been transferred fine. Now
there are two problems.

1) The sound does not appear on the browser
2) The slide show function does not work.

I have seen, rarely but seen, actual powerpoint presentations on the
internet that appear not directly with browser headings but with Powerpoint
Headings. It would seem that would be a better way but nobody seems to know
how it was done...

Thank you for all your help and infinite patience with an old man and virgin
web-site operator.


Dear Steve et al
Thank you so much but the FAQ doesn't address using it with FrontPage which
is where the problem seems to lie.


Thank you all so much for your help and patience which is very much
appreciated but I am nearly back to where I started.

Michael: re. your suggested link that is precisely what I did at the
beginning which started this string. In fact I cannot transfer the .ppt file
to the web-site as first described.

Steve: I thought that this was a "Front Page" group and apologise for not
making it clear in my original message.

The fact remains that there are some PowerPoint Presentations on the
internet that are not just html files but can be read directly with
PowerPoint as described in Michael's link. The other fact remains that at
least for me the instructions by microsoft don't work and I cannot get a .ppt
file transfered from FrontPage to my site.

Michael Koerner

I believe you have to upload your ppt file to your website, and then make
the link in FP


Converting PowerPoint to Flash may be a good idea to publish to
website for it can play
like a flash slideshow in a web browser and the file size will be
drastically reduced.

However, Conaito Ppt2Swf SDK is usually for developers. For end-users,
you can have a look at this powerpoint to flash converter : PPT2Flash

When convert to flash, you can insert it like a normal flash in a

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