How do I put a word at the end of a mail merge field?



I have a word document that I want to use with excel in a mail merge.

In one of the columns, I want to have the word years after the number data
is put in the table, ie. 6 yrs. How do I set up the mail merge excel
document so that yrs. will print after each number? Someone thought I should
use a comma after the mail merge field but then the comma showed up with the
word years. If I put yrs. in each row after the field, then yrs. shows up
when there is no record in that particular row.

Hope you can understand what I am trying to say! Thanks for any help.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You need to use an If...then...Else field construction in Word, something

{ IF { MERGEFIELD Age } <> "" "{ MERGEFIELD Age } yrs" "" }

You must use Ctrl+F9 to insert each pair of the field delimiters { } and you
use Alt+F9 to toggle off their display.

You can of course do a similar thing in the Excel data source by creating
another field that uses the formula

= IF( cellcontainingage <> "", = cellcontainingage & " yrs", "")

Note that in Excel there is a comma separating each part of the
If...then...Else construction wherease in Word, just a space is used.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Hi Kandy,

To do this:
.. select your «Age» mergefield and press Ctrl-F9 to wrap a new field around it, thus:
{ «Age» }
.. type '=' and '\# "0yrs;;"' in the new field, thus:
{=«Age» \# "0yrs;;"}
.. press F9 to update the field
.. run your mailmerge


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