how do i put a word document in alphabetical order



I created a price list for my volunteer job and I am having problems putting
it in alphabetical order. I have tried highlighting the document and then
selected table, then sort and it just does not work no matter what I try to
do. Can you please help me? Thanks

Kathryn Groves

Did you create your list in a table... or just lines of text? If you did lines of text -- you might
try highlighting your lists and from the Table Menu -- converting the Text-to-Table.

Then you should be able to sort.

Kathryn Groves

Terry Farrell

I would also add to these replies that the best place to create a price list
is in Excel.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

No, Access is better.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Terry Farrell


OK - especially for a big price list that is going to continue growing. <g>

But Excel has an easier learning curve and it can still do infinitely more
than Word far more easily than either Word or Access even if Access has the
greater potential.



It really depends on the pricelist, does it not?
I would agree that if you had a price list containing hundreds or even
thousands of items, or if there was a complex pricing structure then Access
or Excel could well be a better option.
However, if you had a simple price list with a few 10s of items in it then
both Excel and Access may be overkill to some extent, expecially as it would
be easier for a novice user to produce a nicely formatted pricelist in Word
than either of the other two (again assuming there was only a fairly small
number of items)

Btw, message to the OP: Did you manage to get your list sorted?


In message (e-mail address removed),

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