how do I put an animation on the web



i used power point to make an little animated picture. I want to be able to
post this animated picture on the web. Can you tell me how to do this? When I
preview it, it works fine. then when i do webpage preview, it doesn't show
the animation. Just the picture, not moving.

Is there a way to get this on the web? is there a way to save it and upload
it on photobucket or something? any suggestions would be appreciated.

you can email me at (e-mail address removed) or reply here. thanks so much
for your help.

please explain in simple terms. I am not very computer savvy and i am new to
power point and self taught. thanks!!!

Shyam Pillai

1. Bring up the Web Options dialog.
2. Activate the General tab
3. Tick 'Show animation while browsing.'
4. Close the dialog.
5. Save as web page.

Shyam Pillai

Image Importer Wizard


thank you so much for your help but I can't figure this out. I have seen that
before, but I can't find "web options dialog" I don't know where to find that
or what it is. I have went through all of my options at the top. I have
(file, edit, view, insert, format, tools, slide show, window and help). I
have looked at everything that dropped down from those menus and also looked
at all the icons to see if any of them had anything do to with "web options".
Please tell me where to find this. thanks!

Michael Koerner

Click on:
Save as Web Page,
Web Options
Tick 'Show Animations...make sure the location where you store the file is
satisfactory to you so you can find it later.

As your going through the various screens look at the various options that
are available.

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