How do I put separate tables on the same page?

  • Thread starter Experience Lacking
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Experience Lacking

(1) I want to put two or more separate tables, of different sizes, on the
same page and give each its own caption, in Word. It seems splitting tables,
partly a way to
do it maybe, can only be done horizontally, not vertically, so that is not
an option if I want two or more tables side-by-side. Dragging one table to
put next to another simply incorprates them. (2) How does one put blocks of
text next to a table? Putting text into a 1x1 table and keeping or removing
the border, then dragging, has the same effect as in (1). Any suggestions
much appreciated. I have Microsoft Windows XP and Word 2005. Many thanks.

Charles Kenyon

You could put tables in newspaper columns I suppose. A single table would be

Charles Kenyon

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Experience Lacking

Mr. Kenyon, thank you very much for your reply. How does one make these
'newspaper columns' though, for tables? I think I have done it for text. I
can produce single tables via the Table-Insert-Table function, and this would
present no problems, but now I want to put several of these, separately, each
with different pieces of data in them, on the same page for comparison
purposes. For instance, a narrow vertical table at the left, with two
smaller horizontal tables to its right, one above the other, and then
underneath that group a larger horizontal table. And simlarly on other
pages, with different sizes and combinations.

With best regards.


How about using frames? The insert frame icon is, oddly enough,
located on the forms toobar. Click and draw a frame in each place you
want a table to be an then insert a table in the frame. You can format
the frames to be borderless if you like.

Tony Jollans

I'm not clear what you've tried, but if you select Table > Table Properties
Table tab and click on "Around" under "Text Wrapping" then the table can
be moved as a graphic object and two can be placed side by side or however
else you want.

Charles Kenyon

I would try it by setting up the section for newspaper columns. Then insert
a table in one of the columns. Next after the table, insert a column break
and your next table. I haven't tried this, I just believe it may do what you
want. Again, personally, I would use a single table. I think it would be
much easier. You can put a separator column without borders between your two
"tables." You may want to take a look at the nested tables tutorial at for ideas. In that, I show a Word
97-type table mimicking nested tables but still working in Word 97.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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