How do I put the body of a Word Doc into an e-mail, not attach?



With Word 2003 there was an option that would imbed a Word doc into an e-mail
- no need for attachment. Can that be done with Word 2007? If so, How?

JoAnn Paules

Add a command to your Quick Access toolbar. Look in "Commands Not in the
Ribbon" - you want "Send to Mail Recipient".

Graham Mayor

The Send to Mail Recipient button referred to by JoAnn will work with some
e-mail applications notably Outlook, but do not that Word document and HTML
e-mail have entirely different formatting requirements. Simply sending a
Word document as an e-mail message will not mean that the recipient sees the
message as you saw it in Word. For a start e-mail messages do not support
pages nor header/footers. Checkout the web view to see the difference.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

JoAnn Paules

Thank you for the follow up on that. Now that Outlook 2007 allows me so many
more options, I don't even use the "Send to" command. I either create what I
need in Outlook or attach the file. :)

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