How do I re-index my notebooks?


Oliver Sturm

I installed Office 2007 beta 2 this morning and when OneNote came up, I
converted all my old notebooks. I was also told at that time that the Windows
Desktop Search component was required to enable the nice new search
functionality. I downloaded it later and installed it, and now the link next
to the search bar (said something like "enable instant search") is gone - I
get the impression that the search component is now available. My Services
list shows a service called "Windows Search Service" and I guess that's the
one I installed. It's running.

Now, the problem is that I can't search. I would say the searching is worse
than before I installed Windows Desktop Search. Before, I was at least able
to search in the same way that OneNote 2003 could do, bringing up a list of
results after a short while. Now, the only results I can see are those that
can be found on the active page. As soon as I leave a page, the same search
expression doesn't give me any results any more.

I suspect that maybe my notebooks were never indexed at all, because I
didn't have the search component active when I converted them. In that case
the question is: how do I make OneNote index my notebooks now? Or is there a
different reason for my search problems?


Daniel Escapa [MS]

Oliver -

Please give it time, WDS is still indexing all of your content and going
through all of your notebooks. This may take some depending on the content,
how much Outlook is indexing and how much WDS is indexing in your My Docs
folder : )

After a couple days please let us know if it is better, but thank you for
the feedback we are still working on search and making it better. All
thoughts are good.

Oliver Sturm

Hey Daniel,

Thanks for your feedback. In fact things have changed since yesterday, and
today the search functionality is back. Two things, though:

- I thought there would be some kind of "live search" functionality, where
searching would take place while I'm typing, as opposed to when I hit Return.
I don't know where I got that from, so I could be mistaken. Anyway, nothing
like this seems to happen for me.

- The new introductory section has a page titled "Search your notes",
which has this sample with a picture of a business card. I'm supposed to
search for "Contoso". I do this and it's found in the page, but not in the
picture, as it's apparently supposed to.

Essentially the search functionality works very much the same it always
did... it's pretty fast, I think, but apart from that I don't notice any



I am having the same problem as Oliver - only searches in the active page.
I've let it run for two days now overnight and it still isn't working
properly. Searchprotocolhost.exe is sucking up 90-100% of my CPU load but
doesn't seem to be doing anything.

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