How do I re-number the endnotes after deleting an endnote?



Microsoft Word Help says that if I delete an automatically numbered endnote,
it will re-number subsequent endnotes - but it doesn't! It takes out the
endnote ref number and text, but now my endnote numbering jumps from 32 to 34
(after deleting endnote 33). How do I re-number after deleting an endnote?

Klaus Linke

annie said:
Microsoft Word Help says that if I delete an automatically numbered
it will re-number subsequent endnotes - but it doesn't! It takes out the
endnote ref number and text, but now my endnote numbering jumps from 32 to
(after deleting endnote 33). How do I re-number after deleting an endnote?

Hi Annie,

You probably went about the wrong way deleting the endnote. You have to
delete the endnote reference in the text, not the endnote text at the end.
Use Edit > Goto > Endnote 33, select and delete that reference.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

In addition to what Klaus said, note that if you are tracking changes,
numbers in general (including endnote numbering) will not be correct until
you have accepted all the changes.

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