how do i recover work that it did not save



i pressed save, but it did not save my work. i need it tommorow and i do not
have time to do it again. how do i recover it

Mike H


Standard answers:-

1. Use your backup.
2. Did you mail it to someone so is there a copy in your sent items.
3. Get cracking and do the work again and next time remember the backup.
4. Sorry for Being the bearer of bad news.




Maybe you saved it to a different location.
1. Choose File, and see if the file is listed on the Recently Used file list
at the bottom.
2. Use Windows search to search for the file anywhere on your hard drive or
3. However, if it is on the server, then IT will have a backup which is what
Mike was refering to.

If Excel didn't crash during the save operation, its very likely the file is

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