How do I reduce the size of a Power Point presention?


Wally Weir

I have a Power Point presentation that has grown to large to email -- over 10
Mbytes. I edited it by 50% for timing purposes and it actually grew in size.
I cut it in half by deleting half of the remaining slides and it still
remained at almost 11 Mbytes. Is there a way to delete the history (I assume
some sort of change history is what is causing my problem)? It happens both
in Office 97 and 2000.

I also would like to know if there is a way to display speaker notes on the
computer that is handling the slide presentation (without the notes appearing
on the projector sreen). Office 2000

Thanks in advance for any help.



First thing you need to do is turn of fast saves.

Go to Tools > Options > Save. Uncheck "allow fast saves"

Next, you could try the compression tool located on your Picture tool bar.
It's a square icon with a mountain and sun on it, with 4 arrows pointing in
toward the corners. You can compress all the images in the deck or do it one
at a time (if your concerned about the integrity of any of the images. If
you have PPT 2000, make sure you save your old pres before you do this, in
case you end up with the Red X.
You won't have that problem in 2002/2003.

For your second question try : Slide Show > Set up slide show. Check "Show
Presenter View." I'm sorry, I can't remember if this feature is available in
PPT 2000 - I know it is in 2002/2003.

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