how do I remove a portion of an autoshape?



Need to remove one small corner of a triangle. I have several shapes layered
to produce a quilting "how-to" for a class. Tried erasing it in paint and
in photoshop. When I bring it back to the document, the lines are no longer
clear. I'm a relative novice. Can anyone provide a step-by-step for me?
Thanks in advance

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?UUUy?=,
Need to remove one small corner of a triangle. I have several shapes layered
to produce a quilting "how-to" for a class. Tried erasing it in paint and
in photoshop. When I bring it back to the document, the lines are no longer
clear. I'm a relative novice.
I think you'd need to create another triangle that's just the right size to
cover the corner of the triangle you want to remove (hide). Make the line color

I'm afraid that's the best you can do in Word...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


I tried this. Can't get the new shape small enough, and it won't move in
small enough increments to place it correctly. Tried again and the shape
goes to the back no matter how many times I click "bring this to the front".


Tried this too. It just won't work. ARRRGH!

Cindy M. said:
Hi =?Utf-8?B?UUUy?=,

I think you'd need to create another triangle that's just the right size to
cover the corner of the triangle you want to remove (hide). Make the line color

I'm afraid that's the best you can do in Word...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Ken Johnson

Hi QE2,

Use the freeform drawing tool (Drawing
toolbar|AutoShapes|Lines|Freeform) to draw your own sawn-off triangle.
Either use the Grid or trace over the top of the original triangle.
Each time you want to draw a straight edge with the mouse movement you
click and release the left button first then drag the mouse to the end
of the straight edge.Repeat the click and release action before heading
off in a different direction for the next straight edge.
When you have finished the shape double click the left button.

Ken Johnson

Ken Johnson

QE2 said:
I tried this. Can't get the new shape small enough, and it won't move in
small enough increments to place it correctly. Tried again and the shape
goes to the back no matter how many times I click "bring this to the front".

Hi QE2,

What if you zoom in?
You can zoom in up to 500% using the percent scroll bar on the zoom
At 500% it takes around 18 arrow button presses to move just 1 mm.

I'm not sure about the Layer Order problem you're experiencing.

Ken Johnson

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