How do I remove an address from auto-completion?


Gail Gurman

Much of the email I send is to addresses outside my company, but usually to
new people. After sending email to an external address, I might send another
email to that address again maybe once or twice, but that's it.

Most of the time when I type in three letters, I expect Outlook to match an
internal address. And most of the time that it matches an external address, I
don't care. But now it's matching someone other than my boss (an external
address that I will probably not ever use again). Most of my email gets cc'd
to my boss, so that means that almost every time I send email, I have to
select his name from a drop-down list. This is annoying.

I don't want to turn off auto-completion altogether, but I'd like to either
delete a particular address from the list of possible matches, or just stop
Outlook from using addresses not in either the Global Address List or my
Contacts list.

Is there a way to do either of these?

Jack Handey

To delete unwanted suggestions from the list, select the unwanted suggestion
by using the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW keys, and then press DELETE.

Gail Gurman

This worked, thanks!

(I labeled this reply unhelpful because of my own mistake: I pressed the Del
button the number keys with numlock on. D'oh!)

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