how do i remove asian fonts from my microsoft word 2003?

  • Thread starter fishdontchewfood
  • Start date


okaay. how do i remove chinese fonts from my word 03?? i've already tried
removing the font simsun (the font it always starts with) from my system; it
says it's in use or cannot be removed. i've also tried format>font and
changing the latin text font to times new roman, but the asian text font is
still simsun and doesn't go away. i've never had this problem in word XP, but
then there was never an option like this in format>font in XP.

Klaus Linke


Haven't tried it, but you might first remove all Asian languages from "Microsoft Office Tools > Microsoft Office Language Settings",
then run the Office setup (Control Panel > Software) and remove support for Asian languages and complex scripts.


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