How do I remove "Draft" from the Xmas template downloaded?



I downloaded a Christmas Bell and Holly template and pasted the Word text
over the template. Everything looks fine on the screen but, when I print the
document, there is a gray "DRAFT" behind the Bell & Holly. How do I remove
the word "Draft" without losing the Bell and Holly watermark?


the I have Word 2003. When I attempted to select "DRAFT," which was behind
the Bell & Holly," Bell & Holly disappeared but DRAFT remained. Perhaps I was
not "selecting" DRAFT properly. At the time, the cursor was showing as four
arrows point N, S, E & W. Nothing in the Header & Footer box seemed to aid in
removing DRAFT. Further suggestions?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Move the Bell & Holly graphic to the side, then select DRAFT and delete.
Move the other graphic back. If these are both watermarks, you can select
them only when the focus is in the header. If you are not seeing the DRAFT
watermark in Print Layout view or even in Print Preview, then it is being
added by your printer and must be removed through the printer Properties.


Ms. Barnhill, thank you very much!! That was such a convoluted solution that
I NEVER would have figured it out without your help. I just wish that
Microsoft's "Help" was better at solving these problems.

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