How do I remove verticle scrollbar from Outlook Calendar?



I do not want nor need the verticle scrollbar & wish to remove it from my
Outlook Calendar.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks .... Patty

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

I don't think you can remove it. It's needed to navigate the calendar either
later in the day or month



Thanks for the response. However, I can use the "Page Up" and the 'Page
Down" to navigate thru my Outlook Calendar. I can also use the arrow keys as
well as the "Wheel" on my mouse.

I want to completely eliminate the verticle scrollbar from my Outlook
Calendar to give me more Calendar room.
Thanks again!!


I do not accept ..."You can't" as a valid answer. There has to be a way to
do this as you can with other software.

Brian Tillman

Patty said:
I do not accept ..."You can't" as a valid answer.

You must and it is. People who do not accept the real world as it is wind
up in mental hospitals or under the care of psychiatrists.
There has to be a way to do this as you can with other software.

Name one Windows program that allows you to remove the scroll bars when
something exceeds the current window size.


That's funny because I do it all the time in EXCEL .... another "WINDOWS
PROGRAM" .... all you have to do is take 'TOOLS' ... 'OPTIONS' ... and in the
'VIEW' tab there are check boxes for both 'HORIZONTAL' & 'VERTICAL' scroll
Scroll bars are not the only ways to navigate pages ... PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN
.... ARROW KEYS ... SCROLL WHEEL on mouse.

I am looking for a similar option for my Outlook Calendar.

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