How do I rename a field in PWA 2007?



I have a need to rename the fields of PWA (in project center) for MS
project 2007 system. Does anyone know who to accomplish that in
project professional or pwa 2007? Thanks in advance for your help.

Paul Conroy

You can't rename system fields such as name, but what you can do it create
you own custom field eg "My Project Name" and use the forumla [Name] to
populate it's value. Then where possible, replace the column in the project
center view. For those columns which you can't replace, move them to the
right of the view.


Mark Everett | PMP

I have a need to rename the fields of PWA (in project center) for MS
project 2007 system. Does anyone know who to accomplish that in
project professional or pwa 2007? Thanks in advance for your help.

You can't rename a default field or give it an alias (like you can in
Project Pro). In Project Web Access, with Administrator permissions,
do the following:

1. Log into PWA
2. Select the Server Settings link
3. Select the Enterprise Custom Field Definition link
4. If you want the user to be able to enter data (text, numbers, etc)
create an Enterprise Custom Field
5. If you want to force the user to select data from a pull down list,
then you must create the Lookup Table first
6. After you create the Lookup Table, create the Custom Field and
assocate it with the Lookup Table you created.
7. Populate the newly created field in the Project Information Dialog
box in a project and publish it.
8. Configure the Project Center view to include the new field.

Mark Everett | PMP

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