how do i rename an autoshape object so i can use it in vb program


Rick Rothstein

You might want to provide more details of what you are looking for (hint... use the large white space in the message area of your posting).


I don't know if this will help, but let's say you select an octagon from the
autoshape objects and it is the only autoshape on the sheet.

Sub dkd()
Sheets(1).Shapes("AutoShape 1").Name = "Stop"
MsgBox Selection.Name
End Sub

The above code would rename the shape from AutoShape 1 to Stop.

Jacob Skaria

For intTemp = 1 To ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count
ActiveSheet.Shapes(intTemp).Name = "ShapeName"

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Rick Rothstein

??? You can't rename all the shapes with the same name. At minimum, you
would have to do your code something like this I would think...

ShapeNames = Array("FirstName", "SecondName", "ThirdName")
For intTemp = LBound(ShapeNames) To UBound(ShapeNames)
ActiveSheet.Shapes(intTemp + 1).Name = ShapeNames(intTemp)

But I'm not 100% sure that is what the OP is after; hence my request for
clarification (and my 'gentle' nudge for him to not use the Subject line to
ask his question).

Jacob Skaria

Hi Rick

I should have mentioned that as <sheetname> instead of "sheetname" to convey
the message that it is a variable which needs to be passed.

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Jacob Skaria

Rick Rothstein said:
??? You can't rename all the shapes with the same name. At minimum, you
would have to do your code something like this I would think...

ShapeNames = Array("FirstName", "SecondName", "ThirdName")
For intTemp = LBound(ShapeNames) To UBound(ShapeNames)
ActiveSheet.Shapes(intTemp + 1).Name = ShapeNames(intTemp)

But I'm not 100% sure that is what the OP is after; hence my request for
clarification (and my 'gentle' nudge for him to not use the Subject line to
ask his question).

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