How do I repeat other column data if one column expands to another page?



I have a multi-column, tabular report.

All of the columns are set to "can grow".

Sometimes the last column (Comments) expands to more than one page. My
problem is when the comments column for one record is more than one page, the
other columns are blank on the additional pages when I print.

For example:
(page one)
Name case# comments
record1 1 status1
(page two)
record2 2 status2

My question is when printing, how do I get each record to repeat the other
columns' info on every page as long as there is something in the Comments
column? In other words, No matter what page in the report I am on, I would
like to know the pertinent information for each column; no blank columns.

My goal:
(page one)
Name case# comments
record1 1 status1
(page two)
record1 1 status1
record2 2 status2

Thanking you ahead!

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