How do I repeat table header rows when the table has section break



I have a document that is a long table that goes on for several pages and
has to be form field protected. Unfortuantly, in one part of the document I
also have to be able to use bold, italics, underline, etc; which word will
not allow in form fields. I had to insert section breaks and only protect
certain sections of the document in order to be able to change the font
attributes in the areas that I needed.

My real question:
Since I have added these (continuous) section breaks the header rows of the
table that I had set to repeat on each page no longer will repeat on the
following pages. Does anyone have any suggestions.

What I have already tried:
I have already tried to cross reference these rows as a bookmark into the
header of pages 2 - ..... but the information wont update when I edit the
information on the first page.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There is no way to repeat table headings when the table is split. You'll
have to reinsert the heading rows manually.


do you know of anyway to get the information to update when it is cross
referenced into a header? On the first page the table is in the body of the
document. Then on the second and all other following pages I have cross
referenced a section of this table that I need repeated on each page as a
bookmark into the heading. This worked except that the information wont
update on page 2 -... when I edit the information in the body of the first


The "Useful StyleRef tricks" seems explain exactly what I want to do. I am
however, having trouble getting the StyleRef to work. I am using Word 2002.
I first selected the portion of the table I wanted to have repeat from page
1; then I went to "New Style" in Styles and Formatting. I typed a name,
selected character, and Default paragraph font; then hit "OK".
I then go into the header of the second page and select "StyleRef" from the
insert field menu; then I select the style that I created from the list; then
This causes me to get the error message: Error! No text of specified style
in document.

If it will help I can send you the document.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I think probably you didn't apply the style. In "classic" Word (2000 and
earlier), you create a new style using Format | Style | New. Then after you
click OK in the New Style, you get back to the Style dialog, and the buttons
there show Apply and Cancel. When you create a new style through Styles and
Formatting in Word 2002/2003, I don't think there's any obvious way to apply
it; you have to do that manually from the task pane after closing the

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