I have a calculated control generating a value of 2 other controls. My
problem is that on occasions the result is an undesirable number because of
E.g. I multiply a subtotal field by a percentage to get a tax amount and add
these together to get a grand total, then subtract any deposits or payments
made to provide an amount outstanding. Sometimes i get a $-0.01 or $0.01 that
i dont want because of rounding. How can i replace this with $0.00 whenever
the calculation generates these undesirable numbers.
=[subtotal]*12.5/100...(this equals my tax amount)
then =[subtotal]+[taxamount] ...(get my grand total)
then =[grandtotal]-[paymentsmade]...(gives me my amount outstanding)
So i enter a payment and the result in the [amountoutstanding] calculated
control can end up being $0.01 even thought the payment amount matched the
shown amount outstanding. (because of rounding)
problem is that on occasions the result is an undesirable number because of
E.g. I multiply a subtotal field by a percentage to get a tax amount and add
these together to get a grand total, then subtract any deposits or payments
made to provide an amount outstanding. Sometimes i get a $-0.01 or $0.01 that
i dont want because of rounding. How can i replace this with $0.00 whenever
the calculation generates these undesirable numbers.
=[subtotal]*12.5/100...(this equals my tax amount)
then =[subtotal]+[taxamount] ...(get my grand total)
then =[grandtotal]-[paymentsmade]...(gives me my amount outstanding)
So i enter a payment and the result in the [amountoutstanding] calculated
control can end up being $0.01 even thought the payment amount matched the
shown amount outstanding. (because of rounding)