How do I replace French with English in the Thesaurus?


Old Blind Dog

I work in English. After installing Office 2007 and attempting to do a
thesaurus lookup in Word 2007, Word had to install the thesaurus, which it
did, but in French. I'd like to know 1) why, 2) how to remove the French, and
3) how to install the English.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?T2xkIEJsaW5kIERvZw==?=,
I work in English. After installing Office 2007 and attempting to do a
thesaurus lookup in Word 2007, Word had to install the thesaurus, which it
did, but in French. I'd like to know 1) why, 2) how to remove the French, and
3) how to install the English.
Chances are, both are installed on your machine. But the text in your document
is probably formatted as French. Take a look in the Status Bar. If you Ctrl+A,
then double-click the language in the status bar, you can select English. Does
the Thesaurus work, now?

For more information on how Word controls language formatting, there's an
article in the "Tips" section of my website.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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