How do I report this please??


DNF Karran

Not sure what the question is? Are you looking for a running total i
something that shows the current balance on each line or something tha
shows how overdue something is?



hi, something that shows a running count of the overdue category 1
category 2 etc et

DNF Karran

See changes to the attached.

This is really something I would do through Access & SQL but I hav
made something.

It may be better to use an advanced filter however or pivot tables an
go from there.

In fact, just added one, see sheet 4.

Note the Date due is now calculated.


Attachment filename: example.xls
Download attachment:

Lady Layla

p3 and DNF

Please do not attach files to messages in the newsgroup. Please explain in
clear language what the problem is and if you are answering the problem, what
the solution is. If you want to send files back and forth, do it by private

Have no idea what rules have, but they list the messages on server and there are way too many potential problems with
attached files.

: See changes to the attached.
: This is really something I would do through Access & SQL but I have
: made something.
: It may be better to use an advanced filter however or pivot tables and
: go from there.
: In fact, just added one, see sheet 4.
: Note the Date due is now calculated.
: Duncan
: Attachment filename: example.xls
: Download attachment:
: ---

Tushar Mehta

I suspect someone will prove me wrong, but if not...

Consider describing your problem in the text of your message. I, for
one, am reluctant to download and open files that might contain self-
executing code.


Tushar Mehta
Business solutions leveraging technology
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) 2000-2004

Tushar Mehta

There is very little -- if any -- reason to chastise those who post
attachments via the Excelforum web interface. Excelforum ensures that
attachments are kept within its own web world and do not enter the
Usenet newsgroups. If you check the various posts you will find a
'Download attachment' statement and a corresponding URL. That means
that the newsgroup message is a text-only message, and that those who
want can get the attachment from the URL.


Tushar Mehta
Business solutions leveraging technology
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) 2000-2004

David McRitchie

I see you posted another reply similar to this, but

Those who have to rely on an attachment
seldom bother to properly describe the problem. And I
don't see an adequate description of the problem in
this case. At least show the answer wanted. For proper
documentation of the problem and solution the burden
then rests on the person answering so that the Google
Groups Archives will have an adequate description of a
problem and a solution.

As far as the attachment not being a big burden
that is certainly true as it is not placed on the
Microsoft servers, nor is it stored and transmitted from
many other servers, and best of all it is not downloaded
onto everyone's newsgroup messages that uses a
newsgroup reader. And hopefully the keeper of the
ExcelForum attempts to scan the attachments for viruses
as well as the person downloading them.

Tushar Mehta

Hi David,

Working on the assumption that most regulars won't bother downloading a
file, adding an attachment definitely reduces the likelihood that the
OP will get an answer. But, the probability is not zero. There are
those, including some regulars and MVPs, who don't mind opening
attachments. So, including an attachment might reduce the likelihood
of getting a solution, but it also reduces the amount of time spent
describing the problem. I guess it's a tradeoff that each person has
to make on an individual basis.

FWIW, while the arguably single worst portal for attachments was the
old MS CDO, most newsreaders do allow attachments in NG posts.

To me the biggest potential downside of the Excelforum approach is a
function of how long its administrators retain the attachments. Will
the attachment URL be active as long as the text-only component is
accessible, be it through XLforum itself or a more common archive such
as Google?


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

I see you posted another reply similar to this, but

Those who have to rely on an attachment
seldom bother to properly describe the problem. And I
don't see an adequate description of the problem in
this case. At least show the answer wanted. For proper
documentation of the problem and solution the burden
then rests on the person answering so that the Google
Groups Archives will have an adequate description of a
problem and a solution.

As far as the attachment not being a big burden
that is certainly true as it is not placed on the
Microsoft servers, nor is it stored and transmitted from
many other servers, and best of all it is not downloaded
onto everyone's newsgroup messages that uses a
newsgroup reader. And hopefully the keeper of the
ExcelForum attempts to scan the attachments for viruses
as well as the person downloading them.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages:
Search Page:

Tushar Mehta said:
There is very little -- if any -- reason to chastise those who post
attachments via the Excelforum web interface. Excelforum ensures that
attachments are kept within its own web world and do not enter the
Usenet newsgroups. If you check the various posts you will find a
'Download attachment' statement and a corresponding URL. That means
that the newsgroup message is a text-only message, and that those who
want can get the attachment from the URL.

DNF Karran

Thanks for the constructive comments guys- I had not considered th
google groups search issue people may have when attempting to view th
forum later.

The file attachments can be useful when posting queries though I do
agree there is a risk of malicious posting virus files. This particula
file had no macros attached so I had no problem opening. I admit tha
an explaination should have been given in my reply in this case as th
solution was not too complex for "future generations".

The advantage of the xl forum method though is the ability to fil
share. This avoids the sitaution when forum members give out thei
e-mail addresses and mail files between each other so somebody browsin
the forum is unable to see the answer given. Recent examples of thi
were done Jim Rech and Frank Kabel- both regular forum users.

At the end of the day I think it's personal choice- if you feel yo
have to post a file then do. The person at the other end may not wis
to download the file especailly if you haven't bothered to explain th
problem fully. The reply should then make an effort to explain what ha
been done and a summary of how the steps taken (something I wil
attempt to do in future). Even if the files eventually disappear fro
the forum, as long as they are there they may provide a valuabl
resource for other users who may or may not know about google groups
It was a forum post that told me about it!


David McRitchie

Hi Duncan,
I have doubts that Jim Rech or Frank Kabel ever used and certainly not on a regular basis to
to post to the Excel newsgroups as web interfaces are
too slow and cumbersome. As for hiding your real
email address the same can be accomplished by using
hotmail instead of your normal email address.

Google Groups picks up from newsgroup postings not
from -- big distinction.

Thanks for the feedback, it's nice to know that most of
what was said was understood.

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