How do I restrict the recepient to open the attacment in Outlook?

  • Thread starter Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]
  • Start date

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Not sure what you're asking here. Do you want to make sure the recipient
doesn't save the attachment?

Brian Tillman


Ask your question in the body of the posting. Include enough detail that
someone has a chance to figure out what you want. Part of that detail
should always be your Outlook version.


Your question is nonsensical. You don't "restrict" anything *to* get it
"opened". And, too bad for you, that you cannot somehow force your
recipients to make their e-mail clients go opening attachments.
Malcontents would love it for distributing viruses if the recipient had
no control over their e-mail program.

If instead you meant to ask (but never bothered to explain in the body
of your post) on how to restrict recipients *from* opening an
attachment, well, that's easy. Don't attach the file in the first

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