How do I retrieve my menu bar for an excel worksheet


Linda B

Hi I have just opened an excel document of mine and there is no menu bar so
I can't use it. When this happens at work using our large packages, I open
another one and shut it down again using the approved route. With my home
document, there is no such path! I'd be very grateful for any help as there
is a lot of work at stake here!

Many thanks, Linda B

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Linda,
I have just opened an excel document of mine and there is no menu bar so
I can't use it.

Press Alt-F11, then control-g and type this single line, followed by enter:

Application.Commandbars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled=True

That should give you back your menu.


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP

Linda B

Hi Jan
I followed your instructions and pasted your line into the 'immediate'
section but nothing changed. :0( Many thanks for trying though. Linda

Linda B

Hi Jan
I've done it again and the cursor is on a new line before I enter return.
The icons below the would-be worded menu bar are there now, but not the
latter. The 'Word' menu bar shows on the visual basic page too!
Sorry to be a pest.

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