How do I rotate a text box to angle with line of triangle



I am trying to free rotate a text box so that it lines up with the line of a


As Suzanne noted, you cannot freely rotate a text box in Word.

However, if you are comfortable working in PowerPoint, you can. Once you
have your triangle all set up as you want it, you can zoom in on the triangle
and do a Print Screen, paste the image into Word, crop it as need using the
cropping tool on the Picture toolbar, use Format> Picture, and on the Picture
tab select Compress and use the default settings (this gets rid of everything
you have cropped from the picture, reducing the size of the graphic). The
only drawbacks of this method are that if you want to change your picture,
you need to repeat the process and your image quality may be diminished.

Hope this helps.


Why does only PowerPoint have this feature and a bunch of other feature, and
not Word?!

Keith Howell

Take a look at and click on the "Drawing with WORD"
menu item and select "Rotating Text". Although it is a bit of a cheat, it
will do the job with the proviso given. (Ignore the messy result at the
bottom right of the screen - it was caused by the JPEG conversion creating
the wb page, not by the method)


After reading Keith's reply and reference to the Drawing in Word site, I
tried the following. I set up my diagram in PowerPower, copied it, and used
Paste Special, Picture to put it in Word. This is also an acceptable


They are 2 completely different types of programs written to produce 2
completely different types of output. PPt doesn't provide Index, TOC or
Footnote features, right?

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