How do I Rotate Text boxes?



MS Windows XP Sp2
MS Access 2002 Sp3

I am trying to rotate my Text boxes, in Forms. I have found a few ways to
rotate labels but none for rotating the Text boxes. I need to rotated two
different text boxes, one at 90 deg, and the other to 270 deg. I have been
searching for about three days now but have yet to find a way.

Thanks in advance for your help.


I have looked at Lebans and found how to rotate "Text Box Labels" but I have
yet to get it to work with the "Text Boxes" themselfs. I have just found
in access a way to rotate to 270 deg. "Text Box" properties All - Vertical
changed to "Yes" rotates the "Text Box". I am still digging into Lebans
mabey I missed it.

Thanks Brian


Stephen Lebans

You're missing the point. That solution merely takes the Font/Color
properties of the Label control, along with its Caption prop, to create the
Roated output. If you want to use the contents of your TextBox control then
simply copy the Value prop of your TextBox control to the Caption property
of the Lable control BEFORE you call the function to produce the rotated

If you are not comfortable performing the above actions then download the
RotateText ActiveX control from my site. It functions more like a normal
TextBox control.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


I have textboxs that are rotated downwards and I want them rotated upwards.

I download RotateText ActiveX from your website. Went into C:\program
files\rotatetextboxver2 and not sure what to do with the files in the folder.

Stephen Lebans

You just have to open your form in Design view, Insert the RTF2 ActiveX
control on your form, setup it's Data TAB as you would for a bound TextBox
control, and finally modify the control's FOnt/Color /Rotation props as


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Thanks! It works!

Stephen Lebans said:
You just have to open your form in Design view, Insert the RTF2 ActiveX
control on your form, setup it's Data TAB as you would for a bound TextBox
control, and finally modify the control's FOnt/Color /Rotation props as


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Stephen, I used your ActiveX control to rotate a text box and it worked
beautifully. However, I cannot rotate a unbound text box that I added
into the report to print the page numbers. What I am trying to do is
to rotate page number 90 degree and print them as barcode. Any help
and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Stephen, I used your ActiveX control to rotate a text box and it worked
beautifully. However, I cannot rotate a unbound text box that I added
into the report to print the page numbers. What I am trying to do is
to rotate page number 90 degree and print them as barcode. Any help
and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Stephen Lebans

Simply leave the control Unbound and set the Caption property of the control
in the Format event of the section containing the control.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Thanks for your reply. Here is what I did. I created a text box
called SheetCount (=format([Pages]/1.6, "0"). Then I clicked on tools
to add ActiveX Control and select the Rotate Text ActiveX 2.0. I went
into the property of the ActiveX control and typed in [SheetCount] in
the caption. But it only printed the word SheetCount, rather the page
number, 2 I was expected. Can you be more specific on what I needed to
do. Your quick response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Stephen Lebans

Please read my initial reply to you again and this time follow the


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Stephen, thank you so much for your help. I read your initial reply
many many times and finally figured out what I needed to do. It is
working now. Thanks a bunch.

Stephen Lebans

Follow the direction in my previous post.

In the Format event of the section containing the control do something like:

Me.NameOfYourRotateTextActiveXControl.Caption = format([Pages]/1.6, "0").


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

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