How do I round a number in a calculation to two decimal places?



I have a calculation in a form field: =[Gross] *0.025

I need this to calculate to 2 decimal places and round up or down - ex: .125
would be .13, .124 would be .12.

I am fairly new to Access and am using Access 2002.

Can someone help me, please?

Thank you!

ruralguy via

Have you tried =Round([Gross] *0.025,2)?
I have a calculation in a form field: =[Gross] *0.025

I need this to calculate to 2 decimal places and round up or down - ex: .125
would be .13, .124 would be .12.

I am fairly new to Access and am using Access 2002.

Can someone help me, please?

Thank you!


This works great ~ I knew it was something simple that I was missing! I had
done the =Round, but didn't enclose the rest as I should have.

Thank you so much!

ruralguy via said:
Have you tried =Round([Gross] *0.025,2)?
I have a calculation in a form field: =[Gross] *0.025

I need this to calculate to 2 decimal places and round up or down - ex: .125
would be .13, .124 would be .12.

I am fairly new to Access and am using Access 2002.

Can someone help me, please?

Thank you!

ruralguy via

You are welcome. Go into VBA Help with <ALT> F11 and then F1 and key in
Round into the Answer Wizard. There is actually a lot of help there. Also
look in the contents under R in the Functions for additional help.
This works great ~ I knew it was something simple that I was missing! I had
done the =Round, but didn't enclose the rest as I should have.

Thank you so much!
Have you tried =Round([Gross] *0.025,2)?
[quoted text clipped - 8 lines]

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