Lets say I have form for example, and I want 3 people to sign or approve it,
I want them to be able to automatically recieve the form using infopath
through Share Point and approve, by signing the document (with an automatic
picture signature) then send it back to the database where it will
automatically send it to the next person in line that needs it to sign the
form. For exapmle once the person number 1 recieves the form, he/she signs it
and sends it back, when recieved at database, it automatically sends it to
person number 2 and so on.
I want to also be able to view who has recieved it, who has signed it and
where the form has been sent to and may be stuck, awaiting the person to sign
I want them to be able to automatically recieve the form using infopath
through Share Point and approve, by signing the document (with an automatic
picture signature) then send it back to the database where it will
automatically send it to the next person in line that needs it to sign the
form. For exapmle once the person number 1 recieves the form, he/she signs it
and sends it back, when recieved at database, it automatically sends it to
person number 2 and so on.
I want to also be able to view who has recieved it, who has signed it and
where the form has been sent to and may be stuck, awaiting the person to sign