We all know that this is a load of crap!!!
There isn't a MVP on this group that knows how to _SPELL_ SQL Server--
I mean 99.9999% of the dipshit MVPs on this channel try to talk people
_OUT_ of SQL Server and _IN_ to using Terminal Services.
99.9999% of the MVPs on this channel spread _LIES_ about MDB. Because
they're too 'stuck in the 90s' to give a shit about anything else..
Most MVPs around here preach DAO. That is a fucking load of crap and
I will not stand for it.
Microsoft tried the 'divide and conquer' approach for all of us. You
dipshits fell for it-- now you all get SharePoint shoved up your ass.
That doesn't sound like fun to me.
I just wish that you had the balls to know how to run Access Data
Projects, kid.
It would be wonderful to have someone else around here that had a
PS - the punchline of course-- is that OpenOffice has the ADP concept
down pretty tight with openOffice & mySql the last I checked
bottom line is that you should not be tied to a particular
architecture. Maintaining different applications on each desktop is a
nightmare. Keep your data where it belongs- on a db server- and use
Dreamweaver when you leave MS Access. Nothing else out there is
remotely comparable to Access