How do I save Custom Colors in Word?


David Bauer

I am defining a custom color to be entered in a cell for a word document. I
am following a template document so the layout is already pre-set. Is there
a way to save a custom color in word so that it can be applied by a click of
the mouse instead of entering the colour information for every single cell i
want changed? (Cell sizes vary in this document so a cut + paste option does
not work)

Thank You everyone!


David Bauer

....Thank you Suzanne...unfortunate news but I really appreciate the response.

All the best,


Tony Jollans

You can write (or record) a macro to set the colour and assign it to a
toolbar button, for example

Sub CustomShade()
With Selection.Cells
With .Shading
.Texture = wdTextureNone
.ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.BackgroundPatternColor = 15132788
End With
End With
End Sub

then all you need to do put the cursor in the cell and click on the button.

(this is assuming you want cell shading in your custom colour - if it's
something else you want coloured, come back)

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