How do I save images in document templates in compressed format i.


Bill Roseanblatt

I have embedded a company logo in a Word template for the company letterhead.
The logo is a PNG format file of about 80KB. But Word apparently insists on
saving it as a bitmap, making the resulting file almost a megabyte in size.
How can I get Word to save the image in the template in its original PNG
format, or some other compressed format?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Bill,

What version of Word and how are you inserting
the graphic (i.e. through Insert=>Picture=>From File
you can choose link only for example).

In File=>Properties have you turned off the Preview setting?

Are you saving it as a .DOT template file or ???

I have embedded a company logo in a Word template for the company letterhead.
The logo is a PNG format file of about 80KB. But Word apparently insists on
saving it as a bitmap, making the resulting file almost a megabyte in size.
How can I get Word to save the image in the template in its original PNG
format, or some other compressed format?>>

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