How do I save to CD?



I'm sorry, I'm very new to Microsfort Word 2007, and am freaking out at how
different it is from older versions of word. Also, it's been a year since I
even used word at all, so my skills are rusty. I'm working on a novel, and
have almost 90 pages that I really want to save to CD before or if they
accidently get lost. I'm saving it in that first option they give you for
where to save documents, but I also have 2 other saved things. The document I
want to save is listed as number 3. Do I just click control and save once I
open the file and insert a CD? Somebody please help me, email me at
(e-mail address removed) I really want to know my document is safe and saved on
CD! How do I do this?!!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You cannot save directly from Word to a CD (even if you could, you
shouldn't). Instead, save to the HD (as you are doing), then use the CD
mastering software that came with your CD burner to copy the files to a CD.


If you want to save a step, buy a USB flash drive, you can get a 1G for less
than $20. Then click "save as" and change the drive to the memory stick.


Never Save As to a memory stick or any other external device. This is a sure
fire way of corrupting a document. As Suzanne stated, save to your hard drive
then copy to the Cd or Fash. Also never open a document from the device, copy
to hard drive first.

Graham Mayor

Saving files to CD is a recipe for file corruption and data loss. The DLA
formatting applications are notoriously flaky and best avoided. The only
safe method is to work from the hard drive and *copy* to CD, using the CD
mastering software provided for use with the writer or a preferred

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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