How do I scroll through records in Access?


Shaun Stamnes

In Access 2003 at the bottom of the record were the left and right arrows. I
used to be able to press and hold the right arrow and the program would
advance through the records until I let off the button. In 2007 I can only
go through records one at a time. Whith the size of our database this is
very slow. Any Ideas?


Allen Browne

You're right. The built-in record navigation buttons in Access 2007 respond
only when you release the button. So they move only one record; you cannot
spin through records by holding the nav button down, as you could in
previous versions. Applies to datasheets, and forms (single and continuous.)

One workaround might be to put some command buttons into a subform, and set
their Auto Repeat property to Yes. Stephen Lebans has details here:

Long-term, it might be better to consider providing other ways for you user
to find the record they want. Some examples:

a) Jump to the desired record by selecting from an unbound combo:
Using a Combo Box to Find Records

b) Filter the form by matching the data as you type:
Find as you type

c) Provide a search form where the user can select combinations of criteria:
Search form - Handle many optional criteria

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