How do I search for a condtion that does NOT exist in a document?


Matthew C.

My document, converted from .PDF, has many places with no space after the
period (.)at the end of a sentence. I want to find&replace the document for
periods that do NOT have a space after them.

Before I go the long way and search for ".a", ".b", ".c", etc. I'd like to
know if there is an easier way.

Pamelia Caswell via

You can do a wildcard search for .[!sp] and replace that with .sp, where sp
= space.

But note that you could get inappropriate changes such as spaces within
decimals and abbreviations (such as 1. 04 and U. N. C. L. E. instead of 1.
04 and U.N.C.L.E.).




Hi Matthew,

You could use a wildcard Find/Replace, with:
Find = (.)([A-Z])
Replace = \1 \2


You can do a wildcard search for .[!sp] and replace that with .sp, where sp
= space.

I can't seem to get this to work. Where is ! documented for use in
search and replacement?

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