how do I search for an * in a text field?



how do I search for an * in a text field? I mean the character * (ASCII42)
rather than a wild card. I've tried 'like chr(42)' in the query parameter but
this returns reocrds that don't have a * in the text field

John Spencer

To find an asterisk anywhere in the field you would use
Like "*[*]*"
To find a field that is exactly on asterisk
= "*"
or use
Like "[*]"

The use of the square brackets tells the SQL engine to look for exactly what
is in the brackets or it lets you specify a range of characters. Check out
the wild card help - in the help dialog type "wild card"

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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