Hello Scott,
I can't think of a non-code method so a code route would be as follows:
First choose the basis on which you want to search. The standard text tool
just creates a normal shape with no visible geometry and Line and Fill
patterns set to none, so you could search for that plus the text:
Public Sub SearchForTextShapes()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim pag As Page
For Each pag In ActiveDocument.Pages
For Each shp In pag.Shapes
If shp.GeometryCount = 1 Then
If shp.CellsU("LinePattern").ResultIU = 0 _
And shp.CellsU("FillPattern").ResultIU = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Shape ID = " & shp.ID, _
"Text = " & shp.Text
End If
End If
Next shp
Next pag
End Sub
The above will print a list of text shapes text to the Immediate window (VBE
/ View / Immediate Window).
If you've not tried using code before then you might find the following blog
posts handy:
Hope that helps.
Best regards
John Goldsmith