How do I send a message marked for a return receipt?


Sam Mele

Hello, In Entourage X does anyone know how to get a return receipt? I want
to ensure the recipient of my message actually receives and reads the
message. This is a simple message option on Windows, but for the life of me
I can't figure out how to do this on the Mac. Thanks.

Steve Blunk

Hello, In Entourage X does anyone know how to get a return receipt? I want
to ensure the recipient of my message actually receives and reads the
message. This is a simple message option on Windows, but for the life of me
I can't figure out how to do this on the Mac. Thanks.

See if this helps:

Note - it will only *request* a return receipt, and not all e-mail clients
will necessarily honor that request.


Barry Wainwright

Hello, In Entourage X does anyone know how to get a return receipt? I want
to ensure the recipient of my message actually receives and reads the
message. This is a simple message option on Windows, but for the life of me
I can't figure out how to do this on the Mac. Thanks.

You can insert the 'return receipt' header into the account settings:

Open the account for editing (ToolsAccounts; then select the account &
click on Edit)

Under the 'Options' tab, second item down is 'Additional Headers'. In the
'Header' column enter "Disposition-Notification-To" (without the quotes);
and in the 'value' column enter your email address.

DNRs will now be sent out with every message from this account, but not all
mail clients & mail servers support these protocols, so results from the
world at large may be variable.

If you have only an occasional need to do this on a message by message
duplicate your account and add the header to the new account only. Make sure
that this account is NOT included in any mail checking schedules, but that
mail from this account IS sent with every send. Now, to include the
return-receipt, simply change the account of a message to this ŒRR¹ account
with the pop-up menu that appears next to the 'from' header in a draft
message window when you have more than one account defined.

Sam Mele

Hello, In Entourage X does anyone know how to get a return receipt? I want
to ensure the recipient of my message actually receives and reads the
message. This is a simple message option on Windows, but for the life of me
I can't figure out how to do this on the Mac. Thanks.
The answer came from Chris Ridd. Although this is way too cumbersome to do
on a per email basis. Entourage should add this as a basic send option
similar to priority setting (as in Office for Windows). Regardless answer
is provided at the following link:
You have to add a custom header in the settings for your account. This
explains how:


Barry Wainwright

The answer came from Chris Ridd. Although this is way too cumbersome to do
on a per email basis. Entourage should add this as a basic send option
similar to priority setting (as in Office for Windows). Regardless answer
is provided at the following link:
You have to add a custom header in the settings for your account. This
explains how:

You can set up a second account with this header, but all other info to
match your normal account. Then, when you need to send the DNR request, just
choose this account from the 'from' pop up menu that appears in a draft
message window when you have more than one account defined.

Walt Basil

The answer came from Chris Ridd. Although this is way too cumbersome to do
on a per email basis. Entourage should add this as a basic send option
similar to priority setting (as in Office for Windows). Regardless answer
is provided at the following link:
You have to add a custom header in the settings for your account. This
explains how:


Make a permanent account using these instructions. Then whenever you
need a request, send from the new account. for requesting for replying to

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