How do I send bulk email messages to onenote 2007



I have many email messages in windows mail that I would like to send or print
to onenote 2007. Is there a way to do this without opening and sending each

Rainald Taesler

Bill898 said:
I have many email messages in windows mail that I would like to send
or print to onenote 2007. Is there a way to do this without opening
and sending each one?

There is nothing specifically for ON. "Send to OneNote" behaves just as
any other printer.

Printing in a bulk/batch mode would depend on what a mail-client does
offer in so far.
WinMail does not have a feature to print mire than just one object at a
time. So printing has to be done one-by-one.

Tested it with Outlook. There all highlighted messages are printed - on
a physical printer as well as with the ON-printer.
I do not know what other mail-client offer.

But you do not need to open a mail message in order to print it. Just
navigate to a message in the list to to set a highlight and print it:
- print icon in the toolbar,
- File | Print,
- Ctrl+P


Steve Silverwood

I have many email messages in windows mail that I would like to send or print
to onenote 2007. Is there a way to do this without opening and sending each

Just select the bunch of messages, click Send to OneNote and they go.
I do that all the time.


Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
Just select the bunch of messages, click Send to OneNote and they go.
I do that all the time.

Good morning, dear Steve <gbg>.
This has been explained already ;-)


Steve Silverwood

Good morning, dear Steve <gbg>.
This has been explained already ;-)

Thanks. Sorry 'bout that, sometimes I write a reply while offline and
it doesn't get sent right away.

BTW, I tried to write to you the other day but the email on here
bounced back that said to write via the newsgroups instead. I presume
that means you have a separate email address you use when posting
here. If you wouldn't mind, drop me a note in email to
(e-mail address removed) with your non-newsgroup address and I'll
try to find and resend the message I originally sent. (Don't ask me
what it was about right now -- I just got off the night shift and the
caffeine is starting to wear off so the [mental] fog is rolling in, so
to speak....)


Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
BTW, I tried to write to you the other day but the email on here
bounced back that said to write via the newsgroups instead. I presume
that means you have a separate email address you use when posting

Right. And an address for reaching me is given in the auto-responder's
reply ;-)
If you wouldn't mind, drop me a note in email to
(e-mail address removed) with your non-newsgroup address and I'll
try to find and resend the message I originally sent.

Will do so.
(Don't ask me
what it was about right now -- I just got off the night shift and the
caffeine is starting to wear off so the [mental] fog is rolling in, so
to speak....)



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