how do I send prior outgoing email to new or different address?

  • Thread starter louis hubberman
  • Start date

louis hubberman

I sent an e mail to a contact. It bounced back for a bad address. I want to
resend it by just changing the address (i.e. not retyping the entire
message). How do I change and resend re new address? Second, I want to send
this same e mail to multiple contacts but not have each one see the others
that I've sent it to. How do I do that? Thank you.


Hello Louis,
Open your email from Sent Items > Click on "Actions" on menubar. >
click on " Resend This Message" at the bottom.
At this point you will be able to make the change you want.



and to keep your destination addresses hidden, enter the email
addresses you want to send your email to "BCC" field, instead of "TO"
field. If "BCC" field is not available, you can click on "TO" and then
enter the email addresses on "BCC" field there.

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