I have a scenerio where I have a list of different tasks. For each task
there is a primary owner (which would go under the resource name field), and
for the same task there are secondary owner(s). If you import a new resource
name field, the resource names must be the same. Does anyone know how to
have a resource name field (primary owner) and a second resource name field
(secondary owner(s)), and not have them be the same? As well I would like
the secondary resource name field have the ability to have the drop down list
of all the resource names.
there is a primary owner (which would go under the resource name field), and
for the same task there are secondary owner(s). If you import a new resource
name field, the resource names must be the same. Does anyone know how to
have a resource name field (primary owner) and a second resource name field
(secondary owner(s)), and not have them be the same? As well I would like
the secondary resource name field have the ability to have the drop down list
of all the resource names.